
I'm hoping Blais' asshole and unnecessary cut to Brooke will mark the end of his presence on Top Chef. Why they brought him back to judge in the first place is beyond me. Kick him out permanently!

Why would people want to come back just to see the shit person get eliminated? These type cook poorly and are a waste of space. I just don't get why an Emily or a Josie or a Philip gets saved while a better chef goes home. Or continue to watch a Sarah bully and demean someone like Beverly. It makes me want to quit

Why oh why did they bring him back! I'm fervently wishing for that turd-kicker to go home.

Hands down, TC Texas was the worst. I almost gave up on TC that year. The early seasons had villains too, but not like this. Since then the chefs and the tenor of the show got nicer. I much prefer watching comraderie than bullying (second to amazing cooking).

I totally agree. Jim leaving made me bitter and it all went downhill from there. Plus what a useless, unamusing waste of time gimmick. I felt as soaked as the contestants. This episode is the first this season that really disappointed.

Just wanted to post a HUGE THANK YOU to the AV club for these discussion posts! I only found out from a random EW.com comment. I hate that I'm late to the party but I'm loving the posts on this, my favorite reality cooking show.