Joe Smith

The amount of crying and annoying behavior from Felicity this season is making her seem like the new Laurel Lance. I can't help but wonder if the writers want to kill her off, and transfer the audience's love of her, back to Laurel. Which would really piss me off, if they did that.

Seriously? Shield? You watching the same show I am? And Gotham indeed makes me want to kill everyone involved. That Riddler, Selina Kyle, and Fish Mooney acting. Wow. Blech.

Good catch there.

I felt exactly the same when I started up Season 1 again, after giving up on the show at Episode 5. After watching Winter Soldier, I was constantly trying to piece every small item - Clairvoyant/Centipede - to fit into the bigger Hydra picture. Even though the big reveal at the end of the season was less powerful, the

I have a feeling the "Agent Triplett" moniker wasn't for nothing. Just as Koenig has 2 brothers, so must Trip. Cut off one head, and two more shall grow in its place.

I like this theory. Just, Ward wasn't awful at his job (Mr. Insanely well trained soldier, master of 6+ languages, and incredibly brave/amazing skydiver). No sir. He was awful at acting like a real human. Which makes sense in hindsight, knowing that he was posing as someone he wasn't.

Incredible. I had the exact same experience. Watched the first 5 episodes, gave up, months later tried again from the beginning, and I actually enjoyed it way more the second time. I was much less cynical and just enjoyed the ride.

I actually enjoyed the first 15 episodes so much more, after having been spoiled by watching Winter Soldier, and reading somewhere that Agent Ward was a bad guy. Was always watching for the little telltale hints from the writers to connect things back to Hydra. So glad I hopped onto this bandwagon late.

Good foreshadowing there. Hello from 2015.

Is Terry Jeffords jewish?! He likes Matzah Ball soup, Kreplach… and his daughters had a Bat Mitzvah apparently?!

Yep. I thought the same thing.

Wow, beautiful and thoughtful comment. Kudos!

Also, wow, what an ugly mouth the clown has, under his smile mask. Had to pause there to admire its ugliness.

Can't wait for the inevitable "Cops think Dell the Strong-Man is Twisty the Clown and arrest him" finale. I mean, they genuinely look exactly the same. Same build, similar face, etc.

Poor Meep. ='(

…And we learn the REAL reason True Detective didn't win Best Drama Series.

…More specifically, the set of Modern Family

(In which we discover, Carcosa is actually Hollywood, California.)

"True Detective Season 2: The Yellow King and the Emmys"

So that Robin Williams in Memoriam was just subpar, huh? =/