
It's BACK!!!

I literally stopped everything I was doing during Maya's segment. I got sucked in hard.

Knew it was written by Kyle based on the rating alone!

Your comment makes me soooo thadddd

My guess is that this a test for a few of the people who've made it to the "Good Place."

My guess is that this a test for a few of the people who've made it to the "Good Place."

I had to scroll back up to make sure I was seeing who posted this article. Spot on, Kyle!

Can I get a gif of Tommen jumping out the window??

Can I get a gif of Tommen jumping out the window?

This show is so fucked, Weeds repeat alert, it's only going to get more ridiculous from here on out.


Seriously though, this Dean guy is A LUNATIC, did you see what he did to that jacket? CRAZYYYYYYYYYYY. Even Shane McMahon's character has done more crazier things than Dean. Lunatic fringe? more like Lamatic amright?

As soon as I read the first Paragrah, I knew this wasn't a Latoya article.

With Jelly all over his face

Did the Vaudevillains receive any kind of reaction from the crowd? I had my volume on low during their match. I'm excited at the prospect that they might actually face the New Day for the tag team titles.

Killing off Tobin wouldn't have much of an impact. It'd be Denise all over again, which is basically just a shoulder shrug.

Glenn is so fucked

Is that an Oh Sees album cover?

RUmor has it, that Macho Man had an affair with a 17 year old Stephanie McMahon. Which is why Macho Man was blacklisted years later.

The 'Randy Savage' chants during Stephanie's promo were insanely funny and twisted. Probably one of my favorite rumors of all time.