
Well, if there is one person who can identify with Julian, it's this guy.

Someone on Reddit suggested Trix wrote it.

That was one of the worst things I've seen in my life.

Soviet Firestorms destroying Star City in an alternate future? I can believe that. But Zippo in a Russian prison? This is where I draw the line.

Isn't it basically Morty with slightly lower voice tone?

Isn't it cheating to compare the strongest episode of Good Wife's last season to what basically is a filler in the world of Hannibal?

What about Moira?

Did I just accidentally watch Following instead of Hannibal? Because that kind of bullshit asspulling is not what I want to see. C-

I heard she moved to Beacon Hills.

Hey Rowan, how come when it's about terminally ill people, jokes "make you feel bad for laughing and that just makes you laugh harder", but when it's about male rape, you suddenly find it off-putting? What's with the double standards? Did your uncle stick a finger in your plop-plop?

Kelly's last name was mentioned in 3х05, Curtis' in 3x02 and Nathan's in 2x01. Simon's last name wasn't mentioned at all afaik. So I don't really see the problem.

>Kelly and Alisha never even got a proper last name.
So Bailey and Daniels aren't proper last names, are they?