The Warhol Kardashian

Gerald's copy of 'Boston's' debut wasn't the 1976 original pressing as Epic Records' label at the time was bright orange with white circles.

On a somewhat eerie side note, Winston Moseley, Kitty Genovese's murderer, died in prison one week before this episode aired.

..and the one who nailed it the WORST was dude who played Kato.

"Nothing malicious," but "everything malicious."

I didn't ask "why you were here." I would figure that ALL of us are here because we "like discussing this stuff." What "this stuff" entails is another story. I've conversed with commenters over the last few weeks who claim this film is a Liberal Commie plot…but then they accuse anything that is disagreeable to their

I wouldn't say it's a "cliche" at all nor is it "over used" or "creepy," especially in this context….and your assertion that this isn't a good movie is merely your personal opinion, not empirical fact.

Don't quite understand the snark, dude. You seem to projecting: No need to be so sensitive and upset when someone counters your assertions.

Speak for yourself, ChuckO. I found the film very involving, I found the dialogue solid and methodical and I certainly cared about the majority of the characters and how their fates would turn out.

The story Marquis tells the Confederate General may or may NOT be true. What IS true is that moments earlier, the Confederate General Smithers plainly tells Marquis that he proudly murdered captured Black Union soldiers "Where they stood" for no reason other than the fact that he didn't like "Ninjas." It's then that

"…..and it was WARM…"

I HATE the term "boring" as a critique. It speaks more of the attention span of the person who says it than it does of the work they're critiquing. The dialogue in this is miles beyond 'Death Proof.'

Why would you be "asking for a friend"?

True, but although I would describe those sequence of events as disturbing, I wouldn't call it a "bloodbath" by movie standards.

No, it doesn't unless you consider Butch riding away with Fabienne on Zed's chopper a bloodbath lol

This doesn't apply to me, but what do you call giving away spoilers in an attempt to advance the arc of an argument?

Hannah and her Mother's Sisters?

Elijah and Marnie are reconnecting in the kitchen when they see Hannah frolicking on the patio in her green bikini, drinking and being hosed down by some of the group.

Red Elektra label spinnin' around and around and around

Huh???? If you don't dispute that she's "ready for action", then you should know why her constant saying that she didn't want to be wasn't really true, even if SHE didn't want to believe it.