Yeah, but you can't really do that. Leofric died in the second book, Steapa didn't.
Yeah, but you can't really do that. Leofric died in the second book, Steapa didn't.
*spoilers* I haven't read the books in awhile, but I seem to remember Alfred and Uhtred's relationship never becoming that strong. Uhtred admitted he respected him at Alfred's funeral, but did not like him. And Uhtred still does some pretty crazy and renegade things, and is punished by Alfred in the future.
Pretty sure that was just an ending shot. He needs Ragnar before he can go north.
Finan is pretty important to the story, but they left out Steapa, so who knows?
Best part is, there are more ships to be set on fire. Lots more.
While the overall plot of the book and the TV shows are the same, the particulars are way different. So its really anyone's guess at this point.
She is probably up in Daneland still…won't see her for awhile most likely.
Yeah, do you honestly think whatever happens, whenever, is going to change any of these people's minds? They don't care about God's will (well, maybe Alfred does), they care about themselves.