
Their looks aren't supposed to matter at all - Aunt Lydia even makes that comment at one stage. I think it's just what actresses look like.

Also, to have dramatic fires and things. Because domestic drama is so recherche… I think the performances are wonderful, especially from the Cuthberts and Anne, but the writing is appalling. But then i read the book about seventy million times.

*Late to the party post* Me too. Her story about not wanting her family to know about "that time" in her life implied Coyote was the result of adult lifestyle choices, which really confused me even more. She looked like she was a VERY young teen when she had him.

I know this is an old thread but yes! Robert comes across as a lifelong closeted gay man, whereas Sol, not so much. I really would like to see more acknowledgement of the possibility that a person can be bisexual.

Watching this for the first time now and wondering if I am the ONLY person who burst out laughing when Frankie said Jacob was a Leo. Because that was his character on Oz, and he's always Leo to me…