Ryan S.

It's pretty weird that Franco seemed to learn absolutely nothing while working with Welles considering all the films I've seen by him are nearly unwatchable (and I've been known to sit through some bullshit, so I know what I'm talking about.)

You should see some more classic films then if that's the only time you've found someone's religion to be beautiful. Now, I'm not really religious or anything but here's some good examples:

I'm a huge Daredevil fan. I don't think I've missed an issue since like 1998 and while I enjoyed both shows, I gotta give the edge to JJ.

I'm surprised Broad City is so low. Season 1 was #2 on last year's list and I think Season 2 was even stronger.

Wow, there's another one of those, huh? I bought the first three series on Blu-Ray about a year or so ago and still haven't gotten around to them.

Yeah, if the whole thing was like the Batman and Robin series with Dick and Damien, I would have enjoyed it much more. Unfortunately, that's like 1/4 or so of the run.

A lot of the stuff in this list looks really appealing, but I also have been mostly reading stuff from the last few years but not this year really except Daredevil, Ms. Marvel and Saga, of which Ms. Marvel is my favorite.

My favorite part is the training montage when he smears horseshit into his friend's eyes for no reason and then shoots an arrow at him while he is blinded and then follows is up by picking a beehive off a tree and just hurling it at him.

Here's a quote from another article: "Sometimes, as with Safety Sheets, they broke the law to do it. Sex scenes in the show never included mention of condoms, so GALA printed unrolled condoms – which couldn’t be shown on television – onto the bed linen."

Well, maybe it seemed moreso at the time. It was over twenty years ago and I don't really remember what the sociopolitical landscape was like back then. Besides that was just one example of the things they did on the show. There were a bunch of other things she showed in the class that I can't remember anymore.

A lot of the time, an avant-garde artist can add something to a mainstream performance that subverts it on a more subliminal level without disrupting the act. I took this class at UCSB on Avant-garde film and the professor had worked on Melrose Place (If I recall correctly) and they had these sheets made for a sex

What's funny is kids would probably hate this now.

I think an article on this site might have pointed me to Chrissy Murderbot's my year of mixtape blog. There were a few he did of dancehall music there. Since I'm not really into dancehall, I wasn't as into these as a lot of his other mixtapes (I think my favorite of his might have the Sleaze mixtape.) Anyway here

Rian Johnson curated the films being shown at the New Beverly for two weeks a few years ago and JGL kind of randomly showed up and played a Tom Waits song with a full live band. It was pretty cool. I think the movies being shown were F for Fake and 8 1/2.

I'm nearly finished with Grant Morrison's Batman run. I'm in the middle of the Batman, Inc. omnibus. The run was pretty interesting in certain parts. I really liked Batman and Robin with Dick as Batman and Damien as Robin, fighting the new, weirder enemies. I also really liked a lot of the whole The Return of

I laughed when he told his kid that if anything happened to his sister he would put his head through the fuckin' wall. The way they stopped the music right on that last sentence made me crack up.

Fashion is usually on a 15-20 year cycle as far as I can tell. That's why a lot of punks looked like greasers and a lot of the grunge stuff could have been passable in the 70s.

I don't really feel like figuring this out right now, so I'll just post my top 10 of 1925, which I already have prepared for some anally retentive reason:

Three times for me.
1st time: That was awesome!
2nd: Wait a second…
3rd: (falls asleep in chair)

The thing about racist grandpas is that even though they're assholes, they're pretty much harmless because nobody listens to them.