Ryan S.

I might need to check out Panty and Stocking since I really loved Gurren Lagann…

I think his point is "Who cares?"

I don't really remember that part in Azumanga Daioh but that is such a great show. Just thought I'd comment since I never see anyone talking about it.

I'm a huge fan of Laurence Anyways. I have read some criticism of the film and I just didn't get it. Yeah, it is long but I was thoroughly entertained. It was one of my favorite films of 2012 and I'll probably see it many more times over the course of my life.

Why didn't they just do this? It worked great with X-Men…

Maybe I need to rephrase. All I'm saying is that no sane person would do these things. People that commit these atrocities aren't just violent, they are disturbed. If he was just a violent asshole, he'd be starting bar fights somewhere.

I totally agree with you but to brandish an axe and gun in a theater is mental illness, just a different kind than you are thinking of.

Wait, I just noticed something that I somehow successfully blocked out until now… This guy's name is Jim Bob? Seriously?

We don't know how to deal with our population of mentally ill people.

I guess, man… Some people just enjoy pop music, ya know? Don't get stressed about it.

Hate to break it to you, but she has been happening for a really long time.

I'm a huge fan but I could never connect to NY I Love You. It's probably because I'm not a New Yorker and have no connection to the place and also, at that point on the record, I was hoping they would bust out something crazy like Yeah.

Why? It's a great horror film. A classic really. Sure, it has a completely different tone but it is genuinely scary as hell.

I actually just added Maciste in Hell to my list of DVDs to look out for, not really knowing anything about it and not even knowing it was a sequel. I just saw it on some list somewhere. Now, I have to see it too.

I've seen them all and enjoyed a lot of them but they all kind of run together for me but the level of quality is pretty consistent throughout. The only entry that I didn't like was the final one starring Shintaro Katsu from 1989, which was the 26th film in the series. The remake starring Beat Takeshi is pretty

Please! I hope she at least eventually shows up on Agents of SHIELD.

Totally agree. I just can't get into reading them on a phone or tablet. The closest thing I have ever done to this is those CD-ROMs Marvel put out like 10 years ago that had an entire run of Spider-Man, X-Men, Fantastic Four, etc. The only reason I ever even look at those is for reference or if I don't have an

Really. She has got to have the most hip, of-the-moment art style in comics today. Her characters are immediately iconic and highly fashionable.

Plus, the Fantagraphics reprints that are being published right now are gorgeous.

If we're looking for serious comics see also the works of Chris Ware and Asterios Polyp and City of Glass by David Mazzuchelli.