Tausif Khan

Are there going to be any Black women in this comic? Ridley was highly criticized for erasing Black women's contributions to the Black freedom movement in England, in his production of Guerrila.

Comic book writers don't exclusively write for Marvel or DC always. Some have books at both publishers at the same time. Others who do sign exclusive contracts to one of the big 2 when the contract ends might write a book for the other company.

Rotten Tomatoes would beg to differ.

I don't know how AMC Networks can justify renewing this show. Halt and Catch Fire is on the chopping block because around a sub 500,000 number of people watched the show. Tens of thousands of people watched Deutschland 83. I have never seen ratings so low. Partly I think it is because the show debuted at 11 pm

I really hope the AV Club is reviewing all the episodes.

What is "Ridiculous" is that someone in Hollywood saw a ream of paper stapled together with Sandler's name written in crayon and said "Yes, this deserves a budget exceeding $1millons".

None of the AVClub's reports said the teacher in question was black. This would explain the harshness of the punishment, having her license revoked and the judges comments.

The treatment of Katrina in this last episode was extremely misogynistic, where Crane didn't even try to reason with her, or kill her with any conflicting thought but essentially "fridged" her. Crane was a party to killing his whole family, a family which was his guiding force in season 1.

Thanks for the explanation.

In the story on the show they haven't shown yet that Charles Isaacs or anyone else has been able to do the out of the box innovative thinking by themselves that Frank has been doing on his own on the show. They have either relied on Frank's work or insights to push the project forward.

David Straithairn who was recently on Alphas played Oppenheimer for a PBS American Experience documentary. That would have been cool if he had taken on the role here.

They didn't mention Sinclair at all in the finale did they?

I wondered if he was named after the Dead Poets Society character. Also, he seems to be trying to inherit the earth.

After watching the show, I was curious to figure out which model would in fact turn out to be right so I decided to check out wikipedia (all before Aikley's suicide). Apparently, one of the bombs used the implosion technology while another used shot gun technology, which was the basis for thin man. If this is the case

Right, the other thing that was prominent is when Charlie went to Frank to tell him that Thin Man wouldn't work, Charlie noted that it was because of Frank's paper that he was able to figure it out. When Charlie said earlier in that episode that he had read it in "someone's" paper, it had to be Frank because anyone

You can watch the last five episodes on Hulu for free.

Heisenberg hasn't been seen on the show. He is working in Germany at the time. Niels Bohr visited the Hill on one episode.