Chris Bartol

"I'm not into it, I'm not entertained, I'm tired of people trying to all
but force me into GoT just because I'm into fantasy fiction, and I'm not
wrong for feeling very uncomfortable with the constant portrayal of
rape. My friends who won't stop bothering me about this show can expect
me to walk out on all future

Actually, ya. If people want to be dicks about this they can. You run the risk of encountering such folk when you inject yourself into the public forum. You have to take the bad with the good and if you can't handle it then you can find the door.

The characters are more or less the same. So is their history. It's the current plot that is SOMEWHAT changed, and even then, not by much.

This. In the land of Westeros the greatest hero of all is the person who rapes LEAST.

If you didn't want to engage in all this then you should have privately emailed her. Or found some other form of closed communication.

Ya, cause Sonia will read your response.

I'm sure Ros would have shared in your outrage over Joffrey's death.

I didn't say she was a slut, I said she was sexually manipulative. It's not hard to have a discussion at all really. You could say that because of the environment she's raised in her sexuality is really the only power or weapon she has. You could say that the way she was raised forced her to recruit her brother by any

I want to ask people responding to this article here a question. Which scenario is more deserving of outrage?

Still same answer, given their history.

Sea Otters of Thrones.

No, she does not. If you read the books you would know this.


Is this article serious? I know the A.V. Club is a serious thing, but is THIS article serious? I'm asking for real here.