
Good Lord, CNN does their job well. Hello? McFly? Anybody home? Do you actually have original thoughts or do you just parrot whatever Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi said on The View this morning?

That's a very valuable skill, bud. You can deem whether or not someone is "morally repugnant" by a comment on the Internet that criticizes a blogger for dragging politics into entertainment! Tell me. Can you use your clairvoyance to tell me if your "anyone who doesn't agree with me is repugnant" line of thinking is

No, this show is not going to have "political resonances." You people always have to try to work in a shot at the president, don't you? Can't just enjoy the show for what it is. Gotta bring it back to Trump somehow, or else you might be excommunicated from the "resistance." Your friends might accuse you of missing an

How long did all that take?? I'm very curious because I was thinking about making a football montage but am worried it'll take a year to get 5 minutes of footage edited just right.

Solid episode, although it seems they really got bogged down in their attempts to mimic life (the Hillary Clinton and Alex Jones characters, the Iran nuclear deal, fake news, etc.) and to sneak their own editorializing in there. As long as we see a heavy acceleration on the remaining storylines, I'll be very happy

They filmed the finale long before the now-infamous magic dumpster episode even aired. Hopefully now that they have the reactions to both cheap stunts, they'll have learned their lesson for next season.

I think the ratings of the season premiere will answer your question quite nicely. I hate the cliffhanger as much as you do (almost as much as the magic dumpster), but those who say they're done with the show are kidding themselves.