
That's how I feel every season every episode. I love this show and will miss it when it ends. Brilliant

Pretty sure their Russian is perfect. I'm wondering if pastor Tim or his wife will report them once they are far away and "safe". All the people they've killed I can't believe they let those two live. As long as Paige never found out.

Good one! Hows this. Elizabeth who has strong feelings for Tuan decides Paige and Tuan shall "marry". Philip who is staying out of the missions as much as possible is disgusted and goes back to Russia and reunited w martha, her adopted daughter and his estranged son and lives happily ever after. Henry, away at

Spoken by someone who must be one of the writers lol. I repeat, plot made
NO sense. Grade F.

I know. Made no sense whatsoever.

Writers dropped the ball. Feel like they read these comments last week and said, oh yeah, let's make Luna the villain. Grade F

Agree olake not the most riveting but neither are olitz. Their best scenes are when they are at each others throats. Olivia was more the prez than FitZ. So was cyrus. So was Mellie. I repeat. Fitz is a wus.

I would love to see Teddy come back. I loved her with Owen.

I think she was trying to keep the hospital from blowing up if the tanks exploded.

Guess Meredith forget kid #3 in the car since we/she never sees it. I want April and Jackson back together, thought they were going there a few weeks ago and we never saw anything else there. Hate Maggie and Jackson together. No chemistry. Owen should've told Amelia to take a hike, she is an immature goof. And just

I can't stand Olivia and fitz together. He is such a woos. She is too strong a character to be matched with him. I think her and Jake are a better match.

I think a better twist would've been Rowan being behind it all and him smiling as he took off in the plane. The whole plot makes no sense. All the trouble they went to to make mellie president and now they're gonna kill her? So mrs vargas who was just a politician's widow will be president?? My imagination can only

On the preview I thought it looked like the every couple season attacker in the hospital crap. Hope not, that has been used too many times.

The writing on this show is just bad anymore. Makes no sense.