Brent Parker

I am rooting for Allison to lose/die, but that was a good scene. Did not remotely see it coming. And, if any character is willing to shoot themselves to keep their fake story going, it is her.

Laura is such an annoying character. Nothing is worse than an obnoxious idealist who makes mind-boggling decisions. Her 'holier than thou' attitude is awful. Worst part of this season.

Thought this was a fantastic episode. I definitely sympathize with Morgan a lot more now. The 'peaceful dude in the apocalypse' schtick was ridiculous given the circumstances. And it still is. But, if TWD pulls this off, we could have a sympathetic Morgan character being the ANTAGONIST. At least, a very grey

EH, I guess. Still feels a bit contrived. I get that they are sheltered, but by now you think they would have come around a bit. Not in physical terms of like 'I know how to shoot a gun and defend myself', but emotionally, they should know the shit that is out there and trying to kill them. I guess I don't buy a

On another note, Morality Morgan is getting a bit annoying. He is completely badass, so it spares it a bit, but the irrational morality is getting old. First it was Dale, Andrea, and Lori spouting the irrational morality, now it is Morgan. I really like the idea of him and Rick clashing ideologically, but not to the

I don't even think the actor is bad at all, just the writing. The writers of these shows keep trying to pin down the 'how does the apocalypse affect teenagers' and I think they are failing. Yes, teenagers ARE moody, but the moodiness just feels forced. As much shit as Carl gets, he never was the moody, 100% irrational

I guess it is a requirement that TWD/FTWD has to feature an annoying teenager at all times. Ron makes the teenagers from FTWD look appealing. Nothing like defending your dad who beat you, acting like a moronic and moody teenager when you are in a zombie apocalypse, being useless and almost getting yourself killed, and

I did like him more at the end. The reveal about his past helped a lot.

everyone keeps commenting that Daniel Salazar's character is one of the best characters. I cannot stand him. So annoying with his 'back in Latin America' preambles and his soft-spoken demeanor. Dude is just an annoying psycho.

TWD's first two seasons had some awful characters. Still some eye roll moments, but I think the last two seasons have been rather good. Rick, Darryl, Michonne, even people like Abraham, Glenn, and Maggie (HELL, EVEN CARL) would be bigger losses than anyone on this show so far. Still early, but I don't feel any draw to

This week on 'Moody Teenagers ignore the fact that they are in an apocalypse', Alicia and Moody Son of Travis ride a bike to a house!

Am I the only one who thinks almost every character in the show (except maybe Madison) is just mind-numbingly annoying? Some thoughts:

What can really be said? Cliche, evil military/government, bad dialogue and characters not acting like real people, etc. The mood is good and when the tension ratchets up, it isn't a bad show, but how many character cliches are we going to get? The narcissistic/manipulative army commander? Never seen that before. The

Surely a guy like Morgan, who was sniping people from the roof of some random house back when Rick and Carl found him, could understand Rick killing a guy (on the orders of the head of town) who beat his wife and just murdered the nicest guy in the zombie apocalypse. But, nah, the dramatic TV effect just has Rick say