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    "They’re gonna shark attack me, Matt. Look at me. I’m delicious.”"-Foggy

    Wait "The Beard"? lol

    I agree the sexual "chemistry" between them was 10 times hotter than Clexa, hot as it was

    I'm tellin ya Finn killed all those people because he was on Mirakuru =)

    Yeah awesome show, one of my favorites, fierce defender of it to friends who say its for kids. Im late 30s, male, SF city boy, and I love it. CW, with Arrow and Flash awesome stuff. You sound as if you're familiar with the cast :-)

    Interesting. Thanks for the tip mate. I have rooted for her character, the writing and direction on the show really have a great way of blazing a trail. You feel as if you are right there with them as one of the 46. I just like seeing some of the supporitng roles more at this point because at least for me, they prove

    You'll learn more as you get older Dapper

    Need more Raven, Bell, Octavia/Lincoln, Murphy and Jasper. Really kind of over the whole Clexa thing. I get it, 150 ways on how to be a leader, but its become redundant at this point, this isn't a Sigma 6 convention, which is why I think the writers added a curve, no pun intended. Suggestion: An episode or two

    God she is sooo hot, and a kick ass character, smart and sexy