Lacey Sheridan

You must know Cruise personally to say he is "a terrible human being." In what capacity did you meet him?

No mystery to it. Cruise has always been one of the hardest working actors in Hollywood; he's talented, good looking and a crowd pleaser.

This show has many plusses, but the erratic viewing schedule has been really damaging. It's almost as if the network wants the show to fail. Going on hiatus for three months, back for five weeks, and now gone again for another four or five months - that's no way to build a loyal audience. Shame.

Sorry to hear this; MP was one of the few interesting shows on TV. Stupid not to give it a third season when it picked up so much in season 2. I suppose this means more shows with comic book characters….

She did a decent job, really.

This was an indie. Her next gig may be porn, and you'll get your wish!


I don't love the idea, either; not everyone who suffers from BPD develops creative genius during the manic phases. Like all films about mental illness, this movie paints a far rosier picture than the reality shows. Everyone I know who struggles with BPD prays for the right pharma cocktail to maintain balance.

It was as repulsive then as it is now.