
Not I the previouslies. She mentioned her in a previous season's episode and this season while talking to Billy.

I noticed Janet throwing out the carton of Daniel's rescued trash as Teddy arrived to talk with Ted. Maybe she really is ready to move on.

That was the scene that involuntarily brought tears to come out of my eyes. Jenny was Amantha's best friend. In previous episodes we learned that Amantha cut her out of her life around 7th grade because Amantha had heard through the grapevine that Jenny said something unkind about Daniel after his arrest. Amantha

What was the note that teddy had for tawny, but then crumpled up?

I thought at one point that Teddy was going to blow, but instead he is imploding. I hope he can move forward somehow soon.

Shout out to the 302 area code! Delaware, the capital of incorporation, makes it onto the series when the call for Janet Matthews Holden comes into the tire store.

Did it seem that Luke Kirby and J. D. Evermore were filming that scene at separate times? They were never fully in the same frame.

And the big short

Agree. I sat there riveted, motionless, and then realized how surprising it was to be so riveted as I listened to the whole song. I loved all the use of music and sound affects this episode. It added so much suspense and emotion, and callbacks to previous episodes made it feel so complete. All awards to the

I thought the balloons were blue and said "it's a boy". I thought they alluded to her unborn baby .. maybe she dies in childbirth??