
I don't disagree but Boscalyn's comment seemed like overkill in its intensity. The comic is just way too lightweight to justify such scrutiny. I was just going to shrug and move on with my life. I guess what I'm really trying to say is, if readers were to use such firepower on every AV Club article that has

Jesus, I hope nobody makes similarly tacky jokes about his wife.

Haven't you gotten the memo? That's a tired old joke and less funny after reading Sean's awesome obituary of Leonard Cohen.

This is without question the most disappointingly horrible thing to happen in 2016.

I really enjoyed John Callaghan's autobiography when I read it, what, 20 years ago? They've been talking about filming it since then. I recall in the '90s, Robin Williams was attached to star at one point.

What, no references to Red Rider's best album, 1983's "Neruda?"

I got a "Days and Nights of Molly Dodd" notification for this? Outstanding! One of the most underappreciated, ahead-of-its-time shows ever!

That's Nintendo of America hottie Bill Trinnen and he has a magnificent tongue!

Hell, that was the highlight of the whole thing!

Ah, Laura Prepon. It was a shame to lose you.

Undercover in North Korea (2007)
An American in North Korea (2007)
North Korea: Hell on earth
National Geographic: Don't Tell My Mother I'm In… (Episode on North Korea)
North Korea a legacy of tension (2007)
The Vice Guide to North Korea (2008)[5][6][7]
Kimjongilia (2008)
Vítejte v KLDR! (English title: Welcome to the DPRK!)

Yeah, all those North Korean documentaries. . . (chuckles unconvincingly)

Answering Machine? Within Your Reach? We're just listing favorite songs now, right?

I once read it was a self-mocking name, like "Even if we only charged five cents per concert ticket, people would still ask for their nickel back." Kind of like how Led Zep got their (also shitty) name.

Kate Bush is awesome. Rolf Harris can burn in hell. Don't dare disagree with me.

A year ago, the Conservative Party lost the federal election in part because of their race-baiting. They were setting up a "Barbaric Cultural Practices" Hotline for people to phone in and rat our their neighbours. I almost wish they had won the election so we could phone in to rat out the PEI police.

Join the club! I assume the membership has to be way higher than just you and me. Anne the character was always annoying but Megan Follows the actor was always cute.

Geez. Now I feel even worse about the whole pitiful situation.

Deviant Art has been around longer than I thought.