
Jealous much?

Is it problematic to use the term "punchable face" these days?
Because I see two at the top of this article.

Damn, knew I should have looked it up. Makes sense, I liked Marvelous Marv better than Generous Gerry (or whatever the hell his Bullpen moniker was).

Yeah, I've always seen Danko Jones as more of a cartoon, a self-aware parody of preening macho rock. Kind of like a rock 'n roll live-action version of Prozzak. So I'm always kind of surprised to see when he has real fans. But I'm sure the live show is fun.

McFarlane started drawing for Marvel when he was still living in Duncan, BC. Home of The World's Largest Hockey Stick!

That original run of Nova was a ton of fun, at least to my young eyes. I think Gerry Conway captured a bit of the spirit of discovery and joy and adventure that readers of Amazing Fantasy #15 must have felt when they discovered in on the newsstands. Or maybe I'm just nostalgic for the by-gone years when I was more

Did you guys miss the story on a recent article from GQ or Esquire quoting several contestants from past seasons who were willing to name themselves publicly and talk about the illegal pills they were given by Bob's assistant and others? The LA Sheriff's Dept. is investigating. All sorts of unhealthy weight-loss

Funnily enough, I read The Short-Timers after Full Metal Jacket came out, but never got around to Dispatches, which I need to remedy. I totally understand where both sides in the comments above are coming from. It's not Michael Herr's fault, but the Vietnam War is pretty much entirely looked upon as a conflict that

That is a great phrase. AND it makes those of us who understood it feel smart.

Those were bootlegs.

That guitarist is apt. Apt, I tell you!

C'mon, the four lines in that tribute are heart-breaking. You and me probably won't get it that good.

The above-linked interview with Doc G is worth reading; I like when he says DJ Minutemix was "terminated for what I like to call conduct detrimental to the Bliss." And Prince Be sounds like he was a gentle man, just like his music. As I'm about his age, I have to say, 46 is too young!

I have pervasive depression too. . . so I'd say, no, it's not that.

I enjoyed it too, but what in the world could have been it's target demographic?

If you only listen to pop music by people who've never had anything sleazy or fucked-up reported about them, you're in trouble. But I'm in the camp that finds my opinion of music clouded by my opinion of the people that make it.

A million isn't much to Disney, of course, but I think it's damaging to criticize them for doing something nice. I recall Billy Bragg playing a concert in my little town ten years ago. He allowed a buck from each ticket to go to a homeless support group and he let the organization set up an information table. My local

I agree. It makes me irrationally angry when Pixar/Disney makes an anti-consumerism statement. I mean, come on.

I remember watching the Seattle news when Kurt Cobain died. There was a teenage kid at Tower Records saying, " I'm buying up all Nirvana's records. Now that Kurt's dead, they won't make them anymore. They'll be worth a fortune!"

As someone said earlier, a lot of Jon Ronson's book is about people who made dumb oopsies in social media, not people who wrote lengthy letters to judges after obviously putting a lot of thought into it, poorly written though it was. She made things a lot worse with her tone-deaf sorry-not-sorry today on Facebook.