
Disney wasn't concerned about your boycott, but then they heard it was an "active boycott" and now they're scared shitless.

I'd vote for "commenting on it," in your case.

You can have those concerts. I've spent too much time standing in front of some tone-deaf yob who's yelling the song so loudly into the back of my head I can't hear the singer on stage.

John Stabb would likely agree.

Oh come on, dude's a freaking legend.

I expected that comment. They will live as long as the spirit of East Vancouver flows through the hearts of punks everywhere. I don't think they can do anything else, either. And their last album was massive!

Like almost all Canadians, I have a soft spot for the Hip, while I don't own any of their music. Selectively listening to their best songs shows Gord Downie's lyrics are what makes the band special. Musically, they're nothing to shoot aboot.

I selectively listen to his podcast. I liked him better before he discovered pot.

I actually originally had BTO in place of Celine, then changed it to something suckier.

Really excited to hear this album.
Off topic, but why when Canadian music comes up - even with this informed commentariat - everybody talks about Bieber and Celine and Nickelback and Rush to "prove" that Canadian music sucks? As if White Lung and Fucked Up and Japandroids and New Pornographers don't exist.
Yes, I said

I not only use that line all the time, I find you can change up the words and apply it to all sorts of shitty things!

Agreed, the delay sucked BUT I was grateful to get the chance to watch it on a channel I already got. I'm too lazy to search out shows otherwise.

If you're anything like me, Will, you had a crush on Donna Pescow too. I can't be the only one. I definitely remember Doris Roberts from Angie, from Remington Steele, from St. Elsewhere, from tons of movies. Never seen a single episode of Raymond though.

You guys are having a Reasonable Discussion, complete with respect and an attempt to understand others' points of view. That's not really allowed around here anymore, you know?

It's insane, that girl's taint!

Anyone who remembers him from Ima Robot is going to find Alex Ebert to be, at best, a musical chameleon, and at worst, an insincere opportunist.

"We love the new Daniel Tosh special, and here's why you should too."

Only some people have. I don't hate the man, but when I followed his Twitter, it was an equal mix of "SJW"-bashing and retweets from fawning fans praising him for telling truth to power. He's so thin-skinned, he can't take any criticism; he can dish it out but he can't take it. That he thinks he any his fellow

If you want to keep liking him, stay away from his tweets (and re-tweets).

Too soon!