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    Jonathan Rhyes-Myers, actor (played the Bishop who banged the widow at the episode end). Was also in the Hirst Showtime show The Tudors

    Winnick is Canadian

    Clive Standon was hired to play Brian Mills (played by Liam Neeson in the film's) for a TV spin-off of the TAKEN franchise so I doubt Rollo will be a factor. I'm disappointed with how his story played out.

    I agree! I was thinking the whole time, well that's a mortal sin to their religion so yup he's gonna roast.

    Please God NO on Jonathan Rhyes-Myers. Look he played a great Henry in The Tudors because you wanted to climb through the TV and punch his smug face….But you also wanted to climb through the TV and punch his smug face. His acting is gratingly annoying and over the top. And the character of Ivar is already gratingly

    Scenes from next season show Largetha and Ubbe sitting next to one another on the throne, their heads resting on each other, and clinking glasses. An alliance perhaps?

    First, the scene with Bjorn and Astrid was pointless. They didn't bathe on a regular basis so yah, that's your mama's hoohah you're tasting.
    Second, Fimmel was this show. Without him it will last one more season then be dumped. I understand the profession of story but Largetha barely ages but her son's grow from age 5