William Brown

Yes, DW has made change that is big in the long run, but they were so small and incremental over time (aside from 1 to 2, but much like with Street Fighter practically no one played 1) that unless you look at it all collectively, you won't notice nearly as many of the changes outside of 6, which was unanimously hated

Why does diversity make a movie good? How does "speaking to many people" act as a qualifier? Why should a filmmaker make films for people other than their target audience? A good movie is made by not having a lot of plot holes, not creating scenes that serve no purpose to the plot or characters, and not creating

I just want the movie to not suck. I don't care if it passes some arbitrary test, there hasn't been a good Star Wars film in 34 years (because no, I don't consider Jedi a good film either, even if it's still leagues better than the prequels). A good movie stands as a good movie.