This episode had several paper bags full of poop burning simultaneously.
This episode had several paper bags full of poop burning simultaneously.
Oliver didn't even have a megaphone. It was convenient of every rioting citizen of Starling to have gathered in the same city block.
They almost have to go that route, because that beard was, at the least, the better part of a year's growth.
Well I could. AoS was better than Arrow (by far) and Flash (which came closer) last season. This season it just trounced both.
Felicity said that the laptop could launch "all the world's nuclear missiles", but Rubicon only involved NATO missiles. So the only way all the world's missiles launch is if the non NATO countries voluntarily retaliate. If not, no NATO country has nukes anymore, but China, Russia, North Korea, India and Pakistan still…
I doubt they're going to ditch the flashbacks in the season in which, presumably, the last flashback will be Oliver's rescue that we saw in the pilot.
Same is true for Bob Morley on The 100. When Bellamy is called upon to raise his voice it's just painful.
Yeah it harnessed the "love is a physical force" concept, Interstellar style.
And if shows are going to crossover, they have to stay in sync plotwise.
It will be brilliance, written awfully.
If it follows the trend, next year's big bad will be tangentially connected to the flashbacks. Maybe it will be Vladimir Putin.
Quality-wise, Agents of SHIELD easily topped any Arrowverse show this year.
Apparently the people in the White House SItuation Room were sitting there thinking "I hope Team Arrow's got this".
Maybe Cisco does that somehow.
Maybe next year banning Big Gulps in Starling will be a plot thing.
Short term memory is insufficent now….
The Arrowverse writers really have a hard time having the demises of their Big Bads live up to the hype they get all season. After all the buildup, Flash finishes Zoom off basically by stealing plot from the film "Ghost". This was barely better.
pun intended?
In this new timeline, surely Barry becomes a physician like his father.
Zoom's mutiverse destroying would seem to crimp Damian Darhk's nuclear adventure, and vice versa.