
Yeah, May at the least should need time to re-acclimate to solid food.

This Framework storyline lasts several weeks in real time. How long was it supposed to be in storyline time? Because eventually I'd think their real bodies should have started dying of thirst or even starving to death.

It's a long tradition. Teenagers played by actors in their 20s, or even as old as low 30s. Goes back at least to Welcome Back Kotter.

Octavia was impaled, fell hundreds of feet into inches of water, and is still alive. Shark, jumped.

The peons never count in carnage counts. There was a Star Trek DS9 episode where Jadzia Dax was conflicted about killing some powerful warlord, but didn't think twice about slicing her bat'leth through various henchmen to get to him.

Yep, LMD May throws any reasonable explanation for the count out the window.

Yeah Raven has endured far less overall physical damage than many of the original 100, but she's the only one with lasting physical damage other than some scarring because plot. John Murphy quite simply shouldn't be alive anymore, but it's clear this show is as enamored with Richard Harmon as Arrow is with John

Octavia won the Most Obnoxious Character award for three years in a row (and that's quite a feat with Jasper around). She' already in the running for the 4peat.

The talk about Bellamy's redemption for Season 3 is rather absurd. I still don't think he's redeemed for Season 1.

Jasper can't really "plead the chip", since he took it willingly.

Isn't the "Superior" also on The 100?

They could steal some of the abilities that The 4400 dreamed up, although some of those were pretty stupid by the end.

The guy that plays Vijay looks (and sounds) a lot like an Indian Wil Wheaton…

"The Superior" had better not be Bill Paxton.

When Julian told Barry "I suggest you don't waste your time on this." Barry should have replied "Well…being unemployed leaves me with plenty of free time to waste."

I agree with pretty much all of this. It's hard to imagine how Felicity and Diggle's paths would have ever crossed sans Oliver. There was a 90s show called Sliders. This episode felt a lot like an episode of that show.

It's so nice of each show's individual villains to not bother the heroes while they collectively take on this other threat.

Those are the biggest toothed aliens we've seen since the 2009 V reboot…

Well it was their hundredth episode. Shows tend to pull out all of the stops if they make it to that milestone. Look who they lured back.

I agree. I think Candace Patton is as good an actress as Willa Holland over at Arrow. I wish they'd let her show it.