
This is barely a review. What gives with the limitations on album reviews here?

No, Mike. That's not what Shakespeare meant.

It's like someone's dream of a DVD cover.

Is Ridley Scott still doing that MONOPOLY film? Can he also commission a Cormac McCarthy screenplay for that? Cormac McCarthy's THE TRIAL?

You know, I honestly think that Zack not having seen much of GIRLS (while still silly for the purposes of judging a tournament) works in this episode's favor. One of my biggest frustrations as someone who's watched the series from the beginning is how inconsistent the characterizations are, with the exception of

Ditto the Narrator; Sean's Newswires take clear effort and make actual digs at their subjects (which are generally those worthy of scorn - Hollywood/cable execs, Bieber, the cast of Entourage). Coming up with some half-assed, mildly sarcastic approach to a news item (ha ha, this project might not be very good!) takes

SPEED RACER rules. Your Newswire is invalid.

Perhaps, but the point is that this is a gardener who looks and talks like Rock Hudson. The script is the only indication that there are any class differentials in play; he doesn't "read" as poor. If the character were of another race or were shown to have a more obviously undesirable upbringing, you could likely

I'd be interested in a list of favorite legal dramas from Mike.

"A gem…B+!" - A.A. Dowd, THE A.V. CLUB

Not a single mention of Arkady's suit in that diner scene? How soon before we can bid on props from this show at auction? I'm devoting all my Europe funds toward getting his wardrobe.

Four months in, this is the frontrunner for best television episode of 2014. Felt a little off from the breakneck rhythm of insult patter that makes up most episodes - bringing in an interloper's perspective definitely served to shake up the structure - but this felt like the show rediscovering itself and its

I love being able to spot an Ignatiy review from the headline.

I would like to see more of the "scene of the year" results. I had "Everytime" from SPRING BREAKERS closely followed by the Adriana Partridge robbery from THE BLING RING and the car story in THE COUNSELOR.


Favorite Episode: "All I Ever Wanted", ENLIGHTENED
Favorite Scene: TUSK!, THE AMERICANS
Favorite Character, Drama: Gregory, THE AMERICANS
Favorite Character, Comedy: Winston Bishop, NEW GIRL
Favorite New Character: Boyle, BROOKLYN NINE-NINE
Shot of the Year: Crocodile tears, HANNIBAL
Line of the Year: Can't be topped…"NOT

Are you arguing that this political thriller didn't make it clear enough who the good guys and bad guys are? I think both are good reflections of their contemporary climates, and don't really know why you would objectively prefer the black-and-white hypocrisy of the Lansbury character.

I prefer the interpretation that Hannibal is the devil himself, because this show works so, so much better if you imagine Lars Von Trier's original premise for ANTICHRIST - that Satan created the world, not God.

That's an argument that could go on for days.