Paul Meyer

Thank you to all of you who actually support the show! It is so frustrating to always see these shitty reviews and people just trolling on the show, this is actually a pretty good series. Sutter is a good writer/creator, remember SOA started off real slow too in it's first season and went on to be one of FX's best

I just have to say to anyone who's against Bates for most definitely killing Green you're an imbecile. If you're a man and this same type of thing happened to a woman you loved would you really not act? Now I'm not saying Bates was right to murder Green but is he really worthy of being condemned for it? And also he

I have to say Phyllis Logan as Mrs. Hughes is one of my favorite actors/characters on Downton. I really enjoy the chemistry between her and Mr. Carson, wouldn't it be something if they actually got together? I have to say that I'd love to see that