
Nazis weren't the only people at the protest, which they did get a permit for

You don't have to become one yourself to do it.

Sorry dude, but being on the left doesn't justify such terrible behavior either

Well he's not wrong…

you get 2 Xbox One games in addition to the 360 games… it's pretty nifty

In God's eyes everyone is beautiful

That's definitely a large part of it, but not all of Trump's votes came from angry white men, while a portion Democrat voters failed to turn out at all

but in the meme world, YOUR the nerd!

I think so. Until the election Breitbart was more or less universally considered ultra right-wing propaganda. Then they started running pieces that sympathized with gamers in light of gamergate and whatnot.

Of course it is also possible as well that there was a growing disillusionment with some myopic trends in left-wing discourse

If they coined it, then it was to label a growing movement that they then latched onto

Nah, I love prog rock. Good point on Russia's actions, although on the other hand it's not as if Trump is actually trying to steer towards a war with China; if there's a possibility that another leader and find common ground and a less violent outcome to recent actions then I'd like to try it at least. And let's not

this is what the alt right moment has been about - filing off the most objectionable language and parsing the ideas in ways more acceptable to American norms

Nobody is going to take you seriously if you only interpret those you disagree with in purely black and white terms. I mean, Clinton was pretty standoffish with Russia, so is she a warmonger who also aids and abets her sexual deviant of a husband?

You stand for and voted for nothing but hate and division.

I dunno man, if gamergate taught me anything, it's that the person who coins a name for your movement that actually sticks isn't necessarily in tune with the zeitgeist that started said movement in the first place.

so smug lol

That soundtrack though

Remember though that the trump photo was taken at an earlier time that the obama one

It doesn't make him a nazi sympathizer though, maybe he should have listened to the ADL, but just because he didn't doesn't mean he is