It goes both ways
It goes both ways
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit's monday!
Yes it is
But that was Ferguson. Sit in all you want, demand a show of support or something, but don't advocate for outright removal of a friendly, constructive police force as punishment for the failings of another government, it doesn't make sense.
Antifa's pretty communist, though
So then how does condemning violence from the counter side imply that one is a nazi sympathizer?
BLM lost any favor with me personally after Toronto Pride
And then by that logic you can argue that there were a lot of communists at the rally, too.
You can find pride in your race without being supremacist about it. Like I said, I can definitely sympathize with people who want these statues removed, particularly from government and especially courthouse buildings, but there is sentimentality for the past that goes deeper than basic racism and to call it just that…
Hey I agree, but I don't agree with the anarcho-commie larpers either.
"Everyone protesting was a white supremacist"
There was reportedly a lot of back and forth from both sides
There aren't any Nazis today either.
I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that, but in order to proceed in an intellectually honest manner you need to do the same with groups that identify with the other side of the political spectrum as well
That's sort of a stretch
Calling somebody a Nazi is not an excuse to commit violence against them.
hey, tear em down for all I care, but it's just dangerous to write off the entire protest as having been attended only by Nazis. My heart is with the people who weren't larping. On either side.
I've been to the subreddits
I *do* condemn the actions of those people, though.