
lol, you've got some serious issues.

Nothing happen to actors integrity. Showrunner decided to kill off her character. Simple as that.
Just like he decided to kill off billion other characters on that show.
Slow down with your over the top hate for Debnam Carey. This is getting ridiculous.

but would ALIE happen without Jaha/Skaikru? I'm asking because at this point I seriously don't remember.

it's definitely time for some big player from Sky People to leave. I'm not talking about it because I like when characters die (I really don't!), but because there is a certain…imbalance.
If anyone can die, then it's time for anyone to die.

I think Bellamy will talk her out of it. His 'redemption' will be completed.

There is a familiar pattern here: the show brings new Grounders characters only to kill them later. And while I'm aware that death and shock value sells, I also think it's time to have a big death on SkyKru side.

I'm not sure the writers recognize them as the big bad. And that's the problem.
But I agree, they are the villains of this story.

I'm not impressed with the writing for Clarke (and to some extend Octavia) this season and that's coming from someone who is a fan of this character. I think a certain smoothness of writing for each character somehow got lost in season 3 and never really came back.


I watched some panels from that con, did you see "Saving Face" panel with actresses Lynn Chen, Michelle Krusiec and director Alice Wu?
Find it, watch it. Amazing, funny, cute and powerful stuff.

lol, that line…where is Liz Lemon's masterpiece eye roll gif when you need it.

Poor Jason.

Well, they would use (again) BYG trope and Dead Lesbian Syndrome. It wouldn't go unnoticed. And quite rightfully so.

Don't want to be that person, but I think with that scene he wanted to have his cake and eat it?

after s.3 they won't kill another queer character. They are not that stupid.

I think they explained in season 2 that she was able to leave SB. She had her memories in SB and she wasn't "cursed".