Say wha'

Here's something that's been bugging me: Why did Abraham still insist on leaving once the Terminian threat was over? I suppose from the writers' point of view it makes sense to split the group. It's hard to give all the characters their due in a single storyline. Maggie has had just a couple or 3 lines the last 2…


That would partially explain it I suppose. Maybe in an offscreen scene Tyreese spilled the beans on everybody to Martin.

As if cannibalism isn't bad enough. Graffiti on a church? C'mon.

So maybe I'm overthinking the whole thing, or maybe I missed something…but how did Gareth know everyone's names. I don't recall any scene where their first names were revealed. Also, how did he know Carol killed Mary (his mom)? I don't recall anyone witnessing that. I don't recall Gareth ever seeing Carol at all.

Is that the FYC version or the Elvis version?

You know why there were no buses at that school? All the kids are walkers.