Turd Ferguson

This article is overstuffed with uses of the word overstuffed.

He just punches radios to bits.

Yeah, he's always struck me as a conservative character too - I mean, he's more than willing to help prop up an aggressive, imperialistic establishment - exactly the sort of thing a douchey, straight white guy would do!

I think there's more nuance to this idea than 'you think Bond should be a straight white guy? OMG why are you so racist, sexist and homophobic?!?!?' I think Moore does raise an interesting point about fidelity to an original text, and I don't think he's in the wrong for suggesting it, really. Bond is the very

The chess scene in Bottom still makes me laugh out loud for five solid minutes - from Richie's misunderstanding of the rules of chess, to Eddie's rising frustration, culminating in one of the most glorious, slapstick fight scenes in a show filled with them. Still miss you, Rik: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

More like Last SQUEAK Tonight, eh gang? *Gives thumbs up, freeze-frame.*

YOU suck. Er, I mean I hear your opinion but respectfully disagree. I liked Danger Mouse. The animation was limited (most British animation was done on a budget of tuppence or something) but it was inventive and was the first show I remember watching as a kid that my folks also enjoyed, as there were plenty of jokes

It's funny. It's like a normal hat, but, y'know…bigger.

I hope it IS at the Daily Show otherwise this story's arc becomes nothing more than 'man makes mistake, gets no chance at redemption' which is not nearly as cheering as 'man makes mistake, gets to host popular comedy show, grows as a person'.

I'm all for punching in each and every direction, because there are idiots EVERYWHERE. Myself included. 'Punching up' basically translates into 'don't pick on meeeeeee!' It's like someone sat in the front row of a comedy gig, slouching down in their seat and surreptitiously pointing at the person next to them in the