Miss Sally

It was 115 and more at one point!

I just read the Josh Wigler interview with Caleb, though, and it was even scarier than watching the show. Here's an excerpt:

What got me in this episode was that Cydney went down pretty hard from heat exhaustion, and the Brawn tribe witnessed Caleb's evacuation just like everyone else. If we were horrified as viewers, I can only imagine how frightening it must have been for the castaways - and yet, when they go back to camp, Alecia, Scot,

Total cultural thing. I am not black, but grew up in a working/laboring class Chinese-American community, and I recognized those bags right away. LOVED this ep.

And to try to distract the younger children.

That was an amazing speech, and my reaction was the same as Rainbow's - silence. There was nothing I could say. Also, it's one of the moments where I understood that although I am in solidarity with my black "brothers and sisters," my experience as a Chinese-American immigrant is different. I don't have the deeply

First of all, the term "white-splaining" may be a colloquialism of sorts, but the sentence as a whole is not a catchphrase.

thanks for white-splaining!

Can we have a recapper of Asian heritage?

An alliance stays together for the duration, like a team. A voting bloc aligns simply for a specific tribal council, without any long term allegiances to one another. In Spencer's "Joe Language," it would be like a bunch of free agents vs. contract players, or a pick up team as opposed to a club team.

Kass went back to being Kass. Spencer's going back to being Spencer…

My last name is Mar, I'm Chinese. It's a romanization variant on Ma and Mah. Growing up in Denver, I didn't know anyone Chinese outside our family with this version of the name, but later I was told by someone from the San Francisco area that it's not unusual out there.

I saw on the Entertainment Weekly post-boot show that Vytas still had to be sequestered, so he didn't get to be with his pg girlfriend. He said that he would rather not have played again than to be the first one out.

Also the news has been around since before the season aired. Isn't the important thing that Terry's son is doing well, not that we view Terry & his family like objects for our entertainment only?

Yeah, I got that, too. I HATE Abi. Woo got screwed just by being on Abi's tribe throughout.

In one of her post-elim interviews, she said that she told Mike & Shirin to vote for Shirin, b/c she knew they couldn't get enough votes to oust Carolyn, and Shirin wanted to stay more than she did, so she didn't want to chance Shirin getting voted out.

Shirin is not white, either, and Mike supported her against an intimidating attack.