Mr. Postman

Hilarious statements from someone who assumed my "experience".

Not my experience but the experience of countless people - mostly women. The fact that you didn't get that speaks volumes.

Exactly. Non-European countries that use spanking on the butt were either colonized or adopted it through Western influence. Not only that, it was originally an adult sexual practice which makes the whole thing weird. Corporal punishment of children is being outlawed more and more or at least it's looked down upon

Beatings followed by "I love you and this is why I had to beat you". This sounds vaguely familiar. Can't quite put my finger on it…

That's what we call one of them there jokes, son.

Yeah, people disrupt all the time. And that's just a taste of what could happen when you disrupt a comedy show. I've seen Brothas end up face down on the pavement for disrupting a show. So, yeah, I think he might've gone in on a brotha. BUT I don't know Lopez or his comedy well enough to know exactly what he would and

You disrupt a show get ready to get lit up. You should know that going in. That goes for comedy, music, plays, TV shows, whatever. Like I said, you're not owed a pleasant way to get thrown out. You're not owed a hilarious way to get dealt with. When security and/or cops and/or entertainers who ain't afraid to throw

You disrupt a show get ready to get your a— lit up. You should know that going in. That goes for comedy,music, plays, TV shows, whatever. Like I said, you're not owed a pleasant way to get thrown out. You don't get to play victim when you purposely F $h-t up. I'm sorry.

I'm a stand-up comedian who hosts shows at comedy clubs. If you disrupt the show, we don't owe you a pleasant exchange just because you paid money. We don't owe you a clever response so you can laugh on your way out. You paid money to SEE a show. Not BE a show. Those guys that escorted her out. That's what exactly

To be fair to the white kid, I saw the full video of him dapping up the entire class one-by-one. There's one black girl whom he doesn't even touch. They just do a salute like you're saying "See ya!" and that's it.

He was trying to spit on the kid's father and missed. This was during a game.

I hate Damon for making me look up who Zara Larsson is.

You probably work twice as hard as any of them. If there's any other people of color at your job, they surely experienced the same thing and y'all can file a complaint or lawsuit together. You're paying a heavy black tax and you deserve a refund.

It was Dwayne and Freddie. Ron was with Vanessa from The Cosby Show.

Charlton ain't nobody's friend. He dead. I got that gun from his cold dead hands though.

Alton Sterling. Sterling. Gotdammit! I better not see signs saying "Justice for Alton Brown".

RIP to my Aunt Cookie. Fuck cancer!

I once had the actor who played the nun as my theater arts teacher. She unfortunately was a paraplegic due to a car accident. She unfortunately also was very bitter and miserable to be around. But after reading this, I guess I understand why.

"Black men who take prominent rolls"