
He always struck me of trying to be Douglas Adams and not quite getting the humor. Not that we have either around anymore.

Well, they wouldn't die for Henry, that's for certain!

But the "Kingsmen" themselves are also an unelected elite! Who's going to protect us from *them*? In the real world, I fear the CIA and NSA, etc. far more than any groups they claim to be defending us from.

And those people aren't scientists. Being a scientist doesn't just mean working in a STEM field; it means actually publishing new findings. So 99% percent of surgeons, lab techs, etc. fail the test.

Well, there are Marvel Universe Geeks and DC Universe Geeks, aren't there? Biblical Geeks are just another type. Yes, they take their source *way* too seriously, but isn't that what geeks do?

They were even more screwed up in the UK version where they were being played by Mitchell and Webb during the time their "Peep Show" sitcom was big and so they played them similarly to their characters, with Mitchell (PC) being a lovable loser and Webb (Mac) a pretentious hipster.

There was nothing unspecified in the book. But it was from the 1970s, when everybody thought there was going to be a nuclear war some day. But now it is hard to take that scenario seriously, despite Putin.

And there was The Gong Show which basically *was* reality TV back then.