
I'm glad to hear what happened. That's interesting. Watching the film, it felt like some of the references were used because they still had relevance in the future. I suppose they just went with really big things (like a Harry Potter book release party) knowing they would still be relevant.

I love her in Summer of Sam, which is a shit film otherwise.

I believe she was just in some Independent Spirit Award winning movie.

Oscar-winner Mira Sorvino. Yeah, that's a really huge oversight. Her accent is definitely the most iconic part of the film.

Ay Carumba!

In what sense was it ballsy? I think it's hilarious, but Nixon was basically already a joke in the 2000s. Reagan might have been ballsy.

"Bodies are for hookers and fat people" is nothing short of genius. Like I'd be hard-pressed to find even a Simpsons quote that I love more.

I literally have the opposite opinion.

I agree about Hawke's performance. I didn't think it was anything special, and I loved Nightcrawler too. I'd even like to see Rene Russo in the supporting category. I love the scene when she's controlling the newsroom while they first show the break-in footage.

They filmed a lot more and depending on what was still relevant after 12 years, they kept stuff and jettisoned stuff. I think it would actually be a lot more complicated than most scripted films.

Ethan Hawke didn't beat out Jake Gyllenhaal for Nightcrawler. He would have been in the lead actor category. Also Patricia Arquette will be winning that best supporting actress award and she'll deserve it over Emma Stone.

This is the weirdest Simpsons Week article yet.

I've seen Chardee Macdennis three times and now I hate it. I've seen Frank's Pretty Woman like five or six times and can't get enough!

I'm sure you're joking, but The Nanny holds up a lot better than some sitcoms from the 90s. Mostly because of Fran Drescher's (sp?) performance.

I already knew that.

But Fizbo!

I knew it would be Marge vs. the Monorail. It's a bummer that I basically hate that episode now because it's always brought up as the height of the Simpsons. It really is brilliant, though. Oh well. I love it. *I gave my love a chicken, it had no bones… mmmm…. chicken….*

I guess I don't have an objective opinion, but 'Jurassic Bark' has to objectively be better than more than half the shit they threw up on here. Looking at you, Modern Family.

Meh, Eyes Wide Shut is brilliant. But Silence of the Lambs is really brilliant. Wait, what am I arguing?

I love Veep, but I don't think there's been one episode that is just perfect. I would, however, put it above a bunch of the crap that made it into this top 25.