
Can we at least agree that golf needs to die? Arguments for killing golf: Trump.

If I owned a Memphis BBQ joint, I'd be putting up billboards and local commercials with the slogan: "Where the only exposed butts are the hogs we're smokin'!"

The whole CBS All Access exclusivity is setting this show up for failure.

Every time I see his face I think of Baron Vladimir Harkonnen from Dune.

I have no plans to sign up for CBS All Access. Very disappointing that they're self-limiting their audience.

What you say has merit, and, luckily, we can both advocate in manners likely to make a difference and troll Trump with our juvenile antics.

Rapaport: "Not only am I a douche in real life. I play one on TV."

Feel the butthurt.

Mental illness is real y'all.

And reality shows still suck to this day.

TLDR: Because Nazis.

I hope his Universe dies a quick heat death.

That was actually the prequel that tied Shannara to his Word and Void series and was, I agree, far more interesting than most of the early novels.

I actually enjoyed it, but I wasn't expecting this to be Fury Road. A movie can be dumb and entertaining which this is.

Oh shit, do we have to stop reading the A.V. Club?