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    I would have been fine with it if he was just being a dick and Rebecca had gotten angry, but then when she says "yeah, maybe I am a bit of a Gryffindor" or something like that I was like OH NO YOU DIDN'T BITCH

    To each their own. You're entitled to your opinion as I'm entitled to mine. I will say something though: as clear as it was from the reporting at the time that it was Santino who decided not to renew his contract for more than the 22 episodes he was originally hired to do, it was also very obvious to me just from

    SERIOUSLY, I wanted to punch him in the face so much in that moment…I do not wish for a second I was a Gryffindor, fu very much

    I'm really glad you touched on the Nathaniel-as-a-Greg-surrogate issue because if there was *one* thing that bothered me about this episode, that was it (well, that and the weatherman interludes growing increasingly annoying, especially considering the song was never all that great to begin with - as opposed to