
worst episode by far

to say the show went of the rails this season is an understatement of epic proportions. Ep 10 will go down as one of the worst attempts by a tv show to try for "something different" It was God awful

Don't make lazy jokes Jerry. that's all…then you can be as offensive as you want.e.g LOL the gays is not funny in this day and age. So we'll just cringe silently and it'll be awkward for everyone. I feel like people like him and Adam Sandler need to update their material to fit the society we live in today

I agree about Vee, i enjoyed her at the beginning but towards the end she was dragging the show for me. She was a little too Villainous villain always villaining trope for me

Vee felt burdensome to me by the end of S2, her out and out villainous ways were great to watch for a few eps till it started to drag the show a bit. Her disposal was superb though

I wish they'd spoiled the ending cause i have no desire to see it but id really like to know what shocked AVClub this much..it seems terrible all around. Surely Christians can also call B*llSh*t on a bad movie,no??

lol if they have an extensive catalogue of music i'd consider it…but in all honesty, the quality of the music on most of the cheaper services is fine by me so i'll stick to them

Holy crap Becky was the most despicable character, even more so than Santana which is saying something. Atleast Santana came off as funny most of the time

They constantly planted the seed for good story lines then prmptly forgot them, sometimes within an episode. The only reason Quinn ever gave birth to that baby is cause it was still season 1 and there was some semblance of consistency then

This lie that there are 6 seasons of Glee needs to be stopped. Glee, the black musical comedy, was cancelled after 13 episodes and then mysteriously replaced by a cheap imitation that was designed to sell iTunes singles and be an after school special. I never really followed the cheap imitation which for some reason

OMG this, the social issues were mostly handled terribly with no care at all and dropped as fast as they came. Glee always planred the seed for great story lines but never followed through. By the time Quinn had her accident i was like yep…i'm done

I like to say there exists 3 Glees. Pre-midseason break glee(the best) Pre Blaine Glee(the back 9, good but not great) and Post Blaine Glee(the worst). Now don't get me wrong, its not Blaine Anderson's fault that the show got bad, its the way they used him. It was emblematic of the fact that the show's main role was