
There's a conservation of the misery of beautiful brunettes rule on the show. Peyton gets to have things go right for her, but that means Natalie has to be murdered…

He was a bit less muscly in his Veronica Mars days, if you're looking for something else to watch…

Genuinely pissed off at the disrespectful way she was treated.

Hats off to the actress, too. Because she didn't actually get much content at the beginning - I suspect that her role has expanded as they've seen what she's capable of.

Oh, it would be out of character not to have Jimmy in the will!

Chuck is awesome. When he wants to hurt somebody, he doesn't beat around the bush.

I don't think there's much for Mike to do until he's had time to settle into his work with Fring.

Chuck had lost his wife, his last remaining family, his only real friend, his company, the career he loved, and the respect of the legal community, and it was mostly all his fault. He was also probably feeling guilty not just about what he'd done to himself, but about how he'd treated both Jimmy and Howard (and I get

I wouldn't be shocked if he were just badly incapacitated and needing Jimmy's help again. I think that would be the wrong direction for the show (although I guess it could lead to plenty of frustration on Jimmy's side), but it's a possibility.

To be fair, Jimmy being 'good' here did move him a long way toward being Saul. He needs a new model for his practice (and given his extensive public defender experience, no prizes for guessing where he'll go).

He did remove the meter (with a baseball bat).

So it's only five years after "SlayerFest '98". Sunnydale has just fallen into a big hole. Meanwhile, in Washington, the nation has been thrown into uproar by political developments: only a few months after re-election, the vice president resigned in a sex scandal, and now the president's daughter's been kidnapped by

Yeah, I've heard that theory - plus the twist that says that Caul actually works that out, and that's why he's playing the sax at the end, either to say goodbye to it or admitting that if he has to get rid of the sax to be free, then he doesn't want to be. Alternatively, some people think that there isn't a bug and

Speaking of classical educations, I'm surprised nobody's mentioned that "they make a desert and call it peace" speech about how evil the Romans are!

Could be worse. Remember BSG?
"How do we make people want to watch through the whole of every episode?"
"I know, how about we begin every episode with a brief pre-cap of every major plot twist that's going to happen?"

What the hell are their overheads, that's what I want to know…

The results do not match up because the two voting systems measure entirely different things.

It's sad that the world has come so far that Justin Trudeau is now the sensible adult in international diplomatic meetings…

Controversial early stagings of 'Richard II' heavily implied that Richard was Elizabeth. Early as in "as soon as it came out."

*plans most obscurely political Julius Caesar staging ever…*