
Ahh, alas Babylon…

I don't understand…
Savitar kills Iris.
Barry goes into a massive funk, becomes obsessed with defeating Savitar and nothing else, loses contact with his team.
But at some stage he also decides to sew a flashy new superhero suit together for himself because his old one isn't fashionable anymore?
Priorities, Barry!

Savitar is King Shark.

The case for ronnie I guess is that it has to be someone Caitlin doesn't just know but instantly co-operates with (even obeys) and finds completely trustworthy. i'm not sure anyone would make sense given that she's completely lost all emotional connexion to her friends, but I guess Ronnie seems like the least bad

Only way the Savitar reveal thing can work at all now is if they really give two fingers to the fans and just don't reveal his identity at all. Ever. Barry defeats him without ever finding out who he is…

Oh. Oh yeah, he is, isn't he?

Hey, that might work!

Peyton's being naive?

But he's exactly the same person. Nothing about him has changed, except that he says that at the moment he doesn't happen to remember what he did. We're not talking "forty years later after a harrowing struggle to redeem himself in thought and deed", we're talking "claims it slipped his mind"…

Yeah, it's not even as though he's bringing down mafia gangs and international conspiracies, or using his immense resources (a vigilante who actually controls a media company with a journalist wing!) to hunt down more subtle or nefarious criminals that the law can't catch. No, he's personally punching kids who rob

Unfortunately, Anya's success was partly good writing and mostly great acting, and even then she felt a little overused sometimes. Very little of the success was due to the character concept in my opinion, so take out Whedon and Caulfield and…

I think he genuinely thinks that Jimmy needs to hit rock bottom to get his life together.

I agree. Well, it's not that the scenes are slow, per se - they're good scenes. But his plot is slow, and shallow, and familiar, and disconnected from the main, novel and complex plot with Jimmy. So it feels like filler, albeit well-filmed filler.

He probably did. But he assumed the plan involved using the tape, and he underestimated both chuck's ingenuity and his ruthlessness in manipulating Ernie.

But there's no evidence of what he did with the documents. All Chuck has is a tape that sort of sounds like Jimmy confessing to something, that he claims to have made of Jimmy - but there's no chain of custody and no other witnesses to the conversation. So is it really Jimmy, or did Chuck just hire someone who sounded

He attempted to help a criminal evade justice by betraying the confidence of his employer. Even if nothing he did was strictly illegal, it seems kind of expected that that might not be welcome at a law firm!

The show wants the best of both worlds: not having to put any effort into James' characterisation, and yet using him to fill up a large part of their screentime.

I suspect they want her to be Anya. Not the specific personality traits, but the whole "oversexed demon/alien who dates the geeky sidekick because nobody else is interested in her, and tries to get along with his human friends but continually says amusingly non-human things" role.

Also, Kara doesn't have superspeed.
I mean, she should, but really what happens is that every so often, for no apparent reason, she's infected with some sort of superspeed-virus for a couple of minutes, and when it wears off they never mention it again even though it would solve most of her problems.

That's very kind of you, describing James as a "character". I'm not even being malicious, I just have almost zero idea of who James is meant to be. He likes… Kara? And punching people? And…?