
Please don't remind us of Star Trek V.
People think modern blockbusters are bad - no, they're just interchangeable and pointless. In the days of Star Trek V, when they went bad, they went REALLY bad.

Or the opposite, unfortunately. I mean, this was Bryan Fuller's vision of a Star Trek intentionally nicknamed "STD" - Bryan Fuller, from Hannibal and Pushing Daisies and now American Gods. And it's presumably being rewritten by CBS - CBS, from… whichever of the interchangeable procedurals are on CBS, I can't remember.

In the '70s and '80s, there were plenty of evangelicals who were also into social justice - that's how Carter got elected.
We don't get a lot of Tim's theology, so far as I recall. But we know they practice adult baptism by immersion and use the title 'pastor' and seemingly have congregational autonomy. They seem to

I think Elizabeth was actually coming up with an excuse to give Paige more Improving Material about the plight of the international proletariat. I expect some texts about the civil rights movement, some about apartheid, some about latin american politics…

Rhys gets to do a lot of Acting - big emotions. He's much more obvious and engaging in the first season in particular. But Russell - like Langella - has to give us just as much with much less. She's almost always calm and controlled and icily composed, so it's easy to overlook her at first.

Her two best-loved people in the world (sorry Henry!) are respectively into a new age cult and evangelical christianity. Under the circumstances, she's remarkably supportive and understanding!

One way or another, it certainly looked like he was in the mood for drastic action.

What are the legal procedures for changing your name and becoming manager of a Cinnabun in Omaha?
Seriously though, we know he's aquainted with the services of someone who can create new identities, so that side of it shouldn't be an issue.
The problem of course is that those documents won't fool people who know him.

First they need to show Jimmy assembling furniture. Very, very badly.
Mike assembling IKEA furniture would be stress-free and very brief. It's a simple construction, with clear instructions provided, what could go wrong?

To be fair, we don't know whether Jimmy CAN practice law. That would certainly be one reason he might want to go by a different name…

Why not?
Anyway, biography of a glamorous showman seems like what Saul would read when stuck in an incredibly boring life.

Yeah, obviously. And there are a bunch of other reasons it won't work in court. But this isn't being fought in court.

The station wagon one is probably still with its car. They may have expected mike would freak out about that car. The chrysler one IS the same model as the one they planted, so it's not obvious that they've been switched (iirc there's no battery indication light on the outside).

I liked the callbacks to shots from BB, too.

Or married to someone who works at a Cinnabun? And has conveniently been away on holiday this week?

Yeah, Chuck absolutely set that up.
Batteries on the tape recorder that he never uses suddenly run out? I bet Chuck made sure the batteries worked before he used it for his elaborate con on Jimmy, and batteries like that aren't just going to run out because of one tape recording and one brief playback.
Chuck forgets to

Personally, I don't see the TV/cinema distinction as that important these days - not unless the restrict cinema awards to, say, actual shot-on-film-stock, projected-from-film-stock films. One digital video file is much like another, wherever it may have happened to have been seen first.

Sure - but if it isn't the sort of thing that should be nominated, why not alter the requirements so nothing like it can win again?

Well, they have a point on 2. If the Oscars start giving awards to the best thing in each category, even if they're TV shows, then in a few years they're basically just the celebrity emmies…

I was OK with those scenes in concept. In practice, however, they were among a bunch of scenes this week that looked suspiciously like they had people saying things for no reason other than to make sure the viewer was following along at home. Which, of course, sometimes has to happen, but it felt disappointingly