
Beyond the joke, I do think there's a serious point there. It's easy to get sidetracked into "how do we bring about the perfect world where evil is met with justice?", away from "how do we bring about the perfect world where there is less evil?" - because the two ambitions are not the same, and there are times when

I actually feel a bit uncomfortable about the fact that I kind of subconsciously seem to feel that the allegations about Penn justify the fact that I've always instinctively disliked him and everything he's done…

Things like Trump's assault? Yeah, that would probably be prevented by real deterrence.
A lot of domestic violence wouldn't be, though. People who do that usually aren't thinking too clearly at the time.

I think the problem with the "educate them as to what the word actually means" approach is that there's no such thing as what a word actually means - there's just how people use it. And the conventional definition of racism is still used by the overwhelming majority of people (I've never even encountered the newer

"The black race" may not have the power to oppress "the white race", as a whole. But people don't live in "society" in the abstract, they live in specific places, where the power dynamics may not be the same as the "average" situation across "society" as a whole.
If you grow up as a poor white kid in a black

It also means that the "season finale" kind of just feels like a random mid-season episode. [it actually had less thrills than some of the mid-season episodes; certainly last week felt more epic.]

Honestly, while it was a bold move, I wasn't really that convinced by the decision to spend the first 1/5th of their finale on retelling an Austin Powers joke at length…

I think she ran away the moment she saw that one of them had a 'gun' (or seemed to). Which doesn't say much for her as a top-level evil enforcer, frankly…

I don't much like Nate, but also I think that the 'chemistry' with Ray is because they're too similar as characters. One's a little more grounded than the other, but most of the time they're interchangeable. Which does make for some fun dialogues in the short term, but is a limitation in the longer term.

Could have sworn they said 26th… maybe I was thinking about something else when they said it.

Making all of the previous talk about how the spear was different from Barry pointless. Because if it only changes reality after a set point in time, and you can freely time-travel back to before that set point and change things again, then… it's just Barry.

Thanks for reminding me which episode the Buffy quote was from. Hadn't occured to me that it was even more appropriate than it seemed…

Although every time I see Damien, I get more alarmed by the fact that the actors seems not to have aged since Band of Brothers… or has even gotten younger?

I liked Damien's "points for style there!" head-tilt acknowledgement near the end as Thawne was being villainous.

It's not a shithole reality! Thawne has solved all of its problems!

Almost all the episodes would work better split into two (or more).

The time period she's talking about is the height of Stalinism. Her husband hadn't necessarily done anything wrong - he may not even have been suspected, per se. Sometimes Stalin sent wives to Siberia as, effectively, hostages. Behave well, wife comes home, maybe - behave badly, wife has unfortunate accident. Of

Specifically it was about the hive sending out 'scout bees' who come back to the hive to report what they've found… just as scout bee elizabeth comes through the door to report.
I thought it was a bit TOO on the nose.

To be fair, Brenda is a women's clothing saleswoman - it wouldn't be surprising if she wore outfits that were a little ahead of the wave, I guess?

Reminds me of the old Yes, Minister joke where the Minister wants to lean on the press to suppress publication of an embarrassing interview. Sir Humphrey objects that they can only suppress information where publication would clearly not be in the public interest…