
Not just a callback, in this case. The episode suggests that everything 'happening' now is reconstituted, recombined and adjusted regurgitation of their earlier memories (the way that memories of hallways and doors can become confused).

Honestly, sort of boring this week; disappointing after how great last week's was. But, there's always next week. Well, for a few more weeks, at least.

That was my point!

*glares at The Flash*
*points at Eobard*
See? See? THAT is a villain!

And in several other episodes of LoT.
Not that I'm complaining. More 1960s and/or mediaeval times, please!

See, CW! turning everything into angst and melodrama isn't actually necessary!

That's true.

Savitar has a dimension?

On The Flash, the Sara-Rip angsty jostling-for-leadership would have lasted… well, perpetually, probably.

But on a social level, I think that it does matter.
Historically, most of the racism in the UK has fundamentally been rooted in a fear of immigrants. The same fears and revulsions have cycled through the different immigrant communities: the West Indians, the Ugandans, the 'Asians', the Asian Ugandans… and now we see it

At this point in the show, Keri probably doesn't actually have to stand around naked so we can ogle her incredible bottom anymore.

So did the British. But European slavery was very different from American slavery - there wasn't the same brutality, or the same enslavement of an entire community that made up a sizeable proportion of the total population.

What I liked about that: while Flash' voiceover talks about all the torment everyone is suffering, we pan to see… Jesse being pestered by H.R….

He's Jay…

…they'd actually work really well together. Relatively speaking. They even have shared interests!

How about…

"It's not you, it's me. It's all me. EVERYTHING is about me. The Speed Force literally just told me it's all me, all the time, just me. It's not… wait, sorry, who are you again? I don't recognise people who aren't me."

He's not sidelined indefinitely. He's Savitar.
He is the Future Flash (just not THAT Flash). And he's imprisoned in the Speed Force by Barry ('s stupidity).

It's easy to challenge Barry's powers, if the writers want to. All Barry can do is move quickly. That means he can win any fight, but only if he knows he's fighting. The effective part of S1 wasn't that RF was quicker than the Flash, it was that for most of the season Flash didn't know where RF was, who he was, or

Well yeah. In a show like this, there are lots of reasons why someone with knowledge of the future might be lying to people. It made us worry Wells MIGHT be bad, but we didn't instantly know he was bad. And when we worked that out, we didn't know he was THE bad guy for sure.
We didn't see Reverse Flash until episode 6.