
"Latino" is just the Spanish or Italian word for "Latin", and we've been talking about Latin Europe and the Latin nations for a thousand years or more. It's been a racial term for a long time, just not the same racial term that it is in modern America (Romanians are a Latin people in the original sense of the word,

"such little context" is basically the tagline for the show.
It has great elements, but is so handicapped by having to introduce, play with and discard an entire cast of characters, setting and plot every week.

The fundamental problem of that much-hyped duel: Flash is really fast. So even if he wasn't the main character, there would be no dramatic tension.

Oh, I think there are more than enough out-of-universe reasons (I mean, it's James; there's always a reason not to have him in ANY plot!), and I don't know whether complaints from conservatives was even a factor. But the lack of any obvious in-universe reason for the sudden move means you can't quite rule it out.

There was a Supergirl movie? [looks it up… oh yeah! Multiple Razzie nominations…]
Prior to this series, I think my only awareness of Supergirl was as a bit-part player in a few seasons of Smallville, and "one of those people like superboy, the super dog, the superfriends and so on who was in those really old cheesy

Well, I THINK the character's Latino. I seem to remember she said something to that effect when describing her backstory - lesbian latino growing up in small town america? Could be imagining that, though? Pretty sure commenters here have called her latino, though.

*bangs head on table*

Thank you! You're too kind! Sadly (or thankfully) it's a sentence I rarely have a chance to use…

Ahh yes, the eternally-resonant story of the poor, fit, beautiful, multi-millionaire Pulitzer-winning best-friends-with-the-world's-greatest-celebrity photojournalist businessman who never has to work again in his life, and his sad difficulty settling for second-best with his stunningly beautiful, ultra-intelligent

Thanks for reminded me that Jeremiah existed. And that Mon-El was being hunted down.

I think that's actually the exact problem. Because Kara's probably not being set up for romance with Lena, the writers write the two of them like human being interacting with one another, which is automatically exciting and intriguing.

It's a misstep in both directions, I think.

I think, as someone who isn't a comics fan but has some awareness of them, I'd call The Flash a B-lister, Green Arrow a C-lister, Supergirl a D-lister and most of the others either D- or E-list. J'onn might be C or D. Not regarding their increased profiles since the shows started, that is.

James would obviously demand all of Lyra's attention himself. But then turn her down.

Well, sort of…

Yeah, that's what I was referencing. That's actually what my original 'space centaur' was regarding, too - didn't know the original Comet was originally a centaur too.

Valid points. I think the only way a romance for Kara could realistically work is if it were something that actually developed naturally. And where Kara could really respect the other person as an equal. If Jon were younger and a colleague rather than a boss/mentor, I could see a relationship working there - where

True. Given how often TV shows these days kill off characters, I overlooked that - but admittedly, CBS shows do tend to be rather more… stable?… fossilised?… so that's possible.

Knew it was 19 give or take a year, but wasn't sure in which direction…

I think that spending thousands of years trapped in an asteroid in the constellation Sagittarius qualifies you as a space-centaur!