
The whole Dougie arc is a f-you to fans of the original Twin Peaks, whom David sees as idiots but who are more numerous than those of any of his other projects. Also an f-you to Showtime execs who thought they were actually bankrolling a third season of Twin Peaks, not a Mullholland Drive series.

If Coop were a female character, viewers would have seen what Janey did in a much more disturbing way, but male rape is seen very differently and sort of ignored and laughed at. The Dougie character was a weak idea and now it has swallowed up most of the season.

Fortunately "real life" is not a David Lynch production.

Nothing says Emmy like killer-midgets and child murders.

I think there would be much more complaints against Lynch's racism and misogyny, but the audience has basically collapsed, so it wound end up getting enough attention to come under fire.

Exactly, no normal spouse would react so mildly, just as no normal spouse would fail to rush the near catatonic Dougie-Coop to the hospital. Either everything in Dougieworld is absurd for some supernatural plot reason, or else its a very poor attempt at black comedy and satire.

We are not watching Twin Peaks. We are watching the result of David Lynch binge-watching Breaking Bad and then writing a Naomi Watts vehicle after smoking bad hash in Las Vegas.

I think you are 100% correct. Its sad because some actors, like Miguel Ferrar (Albert) and Catherine Coulton (Log Lady), have passed away, and we will never have a chance to see thek again. I feel like David and Mark had a chance at revisiting beloved characters that few writers and directors get, and to a large

Did they spray-paint poop shovels in that movie?

I cant believe Showtime watched the finished 18 hours and said "this is amazing, dont revise a thing." The last six episodes should have been two or three. But David just had to have extended shovel painting, stabbing midget, naked prostitute, and Dougie-doodle scenes.

So did David, unfortunately:-(

Thats the attitude of alot of directors and writers today, and also why the ratings for season 3 are in the hundreds of thousands per episode and not in the tens of millions like the original.

Umm, I dont think hysterial was what David was going for with the dead child scenes. Is that you BOB?

Dr Carson needs to work on Coop's brain!

That would make sense of all the idiocy we are seeing.

Exactly, as they said in Multiplicity, a copy of a copy!

There's surreal and there is just juvenile and lazy writing and directing. David should have delegated more and Showtime should have known his strengths and weaknesses and how to handle him.

Thats brilliant lol! I call it the Dougie and Janey Show (much less funnier than the Itchy and Scratchy Show).

I hope you are right. My fear is that Dougie-Coop will be here for good and real Coop is gone forever. I feel like much of the Return is from ideas for a Naomi Watts pilot or movie that got turned down, so Lynch put "Twin Peaks" in the title and tricked Showtime into a deal.

Normal humans outside of Dougieworld would have rushed middle-aged Coop to the hospital reporting stroke symptoms.