
Ahh yes, okay i vaguely remember this! Thanks for clearing it up, it was bugging me more than i care to admite lol!

All your questions are valid, but I do think the whole turning stefan's new body into a vampire was already answered. If i remember correctly, when the other vampire who was stuck in Jo's body earlier on in the season was having problems, Caroline tried to heal her with her blood and her body rejected it, throwing it

This whole season has been brought down by lazy writing, it's very sad and frustrating to see. Carrie, your reviews however have been very spot on.

Didn't Bonnie seal the coffin shut with a spell to protect vampires from taking the cure our of her? I remember Damon said that they shouldn't open it for anyone once it was closed.

A couple of years ago (maybe back in season 2) I would have never wanted this show to end. Flash forward to now and I am so excited to see it go.
Another pretty bad episode that just feels like a waste of time. Also what has been up with the dialogue this season? Every time somebody tries to be deep it sounds so

When you still have filler episodes in a 10-episode season (especially a final season) you are doing something wrong.

Thats true. I think the mutation was that it didnt kill them anymore

Not trying to make any excuses for the show, because yes, it is a big mess, however I think at the end of the last season they said that the Hep V virus mutated, I can't remember if they actually said it made them stronger or not though.
But anyways I feel like I'm watching this show out of habit, I'm ready to put it

also just to clarify:
stefan being dead means that Markos's spell isn't in effect anymore right? The gang doesnt have to worry about dying from magic being undone? Or is it already too late and the spell completed?

My thoughts are all over the place on this one but here they are:

thanks… it was really bugging me up to this point, thanks for clearing it up!

Great review. I do agree about the ignoring the history part, I'm not sure if they necessarily need to bring up Celeste and Rebekah in conversation but the last 2 episodes feel really disconnected from what happened in the previous 16 even though i find them entertaining.

Can anyone explain to me what exactly Marcel did to Cami? (not the sex part, i understood that lol) I mean with that whole dream catcher looking object.

Interesting question.. my only explanation was that maybe once it was outside the gate someone else (maybe even on the witches could) could have picked it up and used it against them.

Let me start off by saying that this review is just as fantastic as the episode was. Great job on this one Rowan.

haha I've been thinking this for a while (not the actual plot though, just about Nina and Tatiana being in the same show). I'm pretty sure you can make a whole cast out of Dobrev and Maslany alone.

[POSSIBLE SPOILER] so I read an interview with Caroline Dries saying that Katherine was drawn into oblivion, and they don't have any plans to explore that as of right now. So she may be gone for good.

Good review, I agree with a lot of it (I watched the pilot at comic con)