
You say that as if it's a bad thing, rather than her superpower.

Flash's time travel will alter the timeline, and Season 6+ flashbacks will be to the retconned events of the first five seasons.

Likewise. But I was a giant geek who was generally out of it on music, so I wasn't sure if it was just me.

Flavor Aid— they didn't even spring for the good stuff.

For physical revulsion, nothing's likely to beat packing Anneliese into a suitcase for me. On the moral side, after the obvious murders I'd say I'm more creeped out by poisoning a young man to extort his mom into treason that was simultaneously national and personal.

Nothing in the show makes me smile wider than seeing Paige torture her parents with her inexplicable devotion to faith and good works.

I think the defection bridge is burned. He's done too many things that the FBI agents (especially Stan) can't forgive him for, and some or all of them have to come out in the process of a defection arc. (Starting with how thoroughly Stan himself has been played.) Assuming the defector proves to be a plant as

I do like the idea that cobras are the nerds of the venomous snake world.

I'm entirely on board that women in adventure shows shouldn't primarily be damsels in distress, and that being one shouldn't be Lois Lane's only trait. But I don't think that the basic dynamic of having Superman, specifically, save Lois Lane, specifically, needs to be entirely dispensed with.

"Dr. Snow, we've been reviewing your publication, presentation, and grant history for the past three years. We are concerned about the… well, the complete absence of any of those things."

I may have missed that— by the time he went bad again, I was drifting away from the X-Men and its ancillaries.

Construction Project in Other City Fails to Draw Single Earthquake Machine, Superpowered Terrorist, Criminal Overlord
Can Starling Emulate CC's Miracle?

I knew Mopee, but I have to admit I learned about him from Ambush Bug rather than from his original appearance.

I'm just as glad that the show won't be forced to fold, spindle, or mutilate its story to accommodate a movie.

Grodd may for some reason like the idea of, say, putting Eiling in a cage and experimenting on him instead.

I admit, Thea's not reacting that way on Arrow was such a relief that I'm willing to overlook how unrealistic it is.

Well, it's no "Particle Accelerator Construction Continues", which was apparently a 24/7 fascination in Starling for a while.

Magneto basically played Xavier during the original New Mutants run.

On the other hand, "lots" is a number that can be counted on one's fingers, and only one a) uses lightning as his motif, and b) acts exactly like Barry would if he gained superpowers.

Miracleman and Doctor Manhattan aren't exactly hard sf. (E.g., it's important to the plot that Miracleman's invulnerability comes from a force field rather than inherent toughness. But if that were true, then the accelerations and forces they experience in combat should reduce them to jam inside the force field.)