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    CHEERED??? Well, fuck this planet.

    Yeah, the popular media has been disturbingly quiet, too, about the more than 20 black transwomen who've been murdered this year for merely being themselves.

    This whole thing still gives me a rage stroke, probably Rue is my favorite character and not only is she EXPLICITLY described as black in the books, the actress they cast was brilliant!!!

    I have to assume it's the same group of people complaining about Start Wars who complained about Rue's casting. And the same folks who are now upset about a black woman being cast as Hermione in the upcoming Harry Potter play. Fortunately, J.K. Rowling took to twitter to point out that Hermione's canon description

    Really, you're going to go with the "color blind" argument? You realize when you say things like, "I prefer not identifying by races" when you're really saying is you are unwilling to recognize that other people have different resources, opportunities and experiences from you? And that often leads to racist behavior.

    I'll just leave this here…

    It's weird to me that lonely guys think they're the only person who's ever been lonely, and more to the point, that it is literally impossible for women to be lonely. Like, dude, women are not sex vending machines, we have feelings and desires and feel lonely too. We get mocked, judged, passed over, laughed at, etc.