
I was thinkin' more Doublemint Twins

I was thinkin' more Doublemint Twins

With Simone, you mean?
I mean Simone and Milligan ain't no Romeo and J, but Hanzee, he's true blue

Ya, so..we're rootin' for nausea now, I see.

Not something I ever saw. I was 24 in 1979.

Well, happy that Monday is here, again. I will watch it online tonight. I'll let you know. Although, I don't expect it to all of a sudden change.
I wonder? does it maybe matter who your provider is? The first time I went there, I had to put in my provider, which is comcast.

Laura Palmer?
I see Ray Liotta gone meth head

I don't think the Globe ever took the Herald seriously, never mind worried about it.
Apples and orange's. One is a newspaper the other is a tabloid

I don't know how to account for that. I watch it every week, online. Haven't seen a commercial yet.
None. Not one.

I lived through Watergate, I was 17 in 1972. And I think this was more significant than Watergate… it is still reverberating throughout the world

The Spotlight Team's story on the Catholic Church hierarchy in Boston, covering up the abuse really did aim a spotlight on this horrendous abuse and cover up worldwide.
It started in Boston…..Ireland had this abuse business down to a science… not just priest abuse… government officials in cahoots with disgusting

Tell that to the Black cop who blew the whistle on the quota system and the built in racism of the NYPD Stop and Frisk policy.

Right. Because racism is so yesterday.

Seconds. 2 seconds, to be exact.

Even though they are the good guys here, because you're a racist dickhead.

Oh, and we all know how those reviews are handled.
Do you know that police depts do not even have to keep statistics on how many people they kill?
They are required to report property crimes, though.
Hmmm, wonder who worries more about property than people. Dead people. Murdered dead people. Murdered by cops dead people.

"Are you kidding?"

There is such as a thing as structural racism.
First of all, Blacks and Hispanic's had to fight to get on the force….. and don't think for a minute that they themselves don't see racism on the job, directed towards themselves.
And then you get the whole "us vs them" thing that now is way out of proportion (fuck, the

Everyone is allowed to protest. Who said the cops aren't allowed to protest?

Also, like I said in my other post/reply to this post, never been to Worcester and I've been gone from Mass for 5 years…
but interestingly, just recently I had to deal with a bureaucrat down here in Fl, she is a native of Worcester and her parents still live there.
I quickly figured out she is right at home in her RED