
which is the title of next weeks episode
unintentionally upvoted my own post….apologies

Hhmmm, maybe. I posted above, before reading your post, that I think she was up to no good before she hit Rye..she might be a bored little housewifey, but the leap from accidentally hitting someone to in an instant running/driving away with the BODY still splayed across the hood of the car and bringing it home. A home

Kind of…..but I think there is more to her story. I want to know what she was doing and with who before she hit Rye…had to be something shady, something she doesn't want Hubby to find out.
It was night time… was it late?

I bet it is. I had no idea who he was…. but as I was scrolling through try to find something that might interest me, I did a dead stop, cuz he looks a lot like James Gandolfini/Tony Soprano. Weird….course, I had to read the comments to see if it was just me!

Wasn't it Dean Martin?

I haven't seen this yet….will watch today, probably. Anyway, as soon as I could I came over here at AV Club to see what everyone thought. As soon as I saw the picture above the review I thought I saw Jon from Rectify. Anyway, I didn't know the actors name, so googled it and then I went to IMDb to look up the cast.

I haven't had the chance to watch this yet, but am really looking forward to it…been reading everything I can. Anyway, Terry Kinney (Tim McManus) from Oz makes is in this. You must have seen him, no? He's listed as being in all 6 episodes.

You need to read her feelings on that… she absolutely says there is NOTHING wrong with that type of job.
Also, I find it hilarious that people seem to think that anyone who is beautiful MUST be headed for somewhere else. It's silly and stupid.
Have you really never seen any stunning women where you live??

Wow! You talk as if you know what being on parole is like?
I doubt it

Me neither.

I really loved it when Amantha suddenly realizes there is someone else in the house/room…Jesus Christ… she squeals.
No, just Daniel… he shyly says

Seriously? It is everywhere…..you can't go into a store without seeing it….there are like a gazillion Etsy sellers who specialize in it. And it is the same 'directive" art that is seen on picture frames, pillows, whatever (keeping this Rectify related ;0)
I call it bossy pop art

Except that unlike the 2 minors sitting across from each other, Teddy was all over her, breathing down her neck, literally and figuratively. She kept saying no… he kept pressuring her… don't forget, he was above her, in a car that would make him just about on top of her… he pushes her ever closer to her side of the

but then Ted Jr. told us all about his I raped someone but it's ok because I'm a good Christian conservative republican…

Do you really think he felt terrible? Not me and i don't think it was just a coincidence that he told that story, where he 'forced" himself on that girl while he was stalking Tawny…I also think it was telling that through the window, we only saw tawny and the man having dinner… the mans wife, beth? is not seen. Tie

Awful is right! My step father's daughters name was Roanne.
Yup, stepdad was Roy, her moms name was Anne

I don't know if it is LeBlanc's actual house but they showed a house exactly like you just described in Episodes… unbelievably beautiful view. In fact, the scene has Tamsin Grieg astounded that not only does he have a house that obviously costs megabucks, but that he has taste. I don't know if it is really LeBlanc's

Yes. Girls with sin holes. That is what these freaks call a vagina